Favourite brands 2018 - poll results
These polls represent the aggregate votes from the South African Cloth Nappy Users group polls that ran during the month of November 2018. It's not necessarily the best brands, but the voters' favourite ones.
Your favourite will depend on what you determine as most important as well as your lifestyle, so it may differ from these results. That is why we always recommend you try a variety of brands and types.
Lots of factors determine why each individual voted for a certain brand. This year we refined the results a little bit more using the extra information gathered in our polls.
This allowed us to break down the results by type to indicate the following:
- the overall favourite
- favourite for the power user category (defined as those users who have tried more than 10 brands (these represent 20% of the overall vote)
- favourite for users who regard price as the most important factor
- favourite for users who regard absorbency as the most important factor
- favourite for users who regard fit as the most important factor
To improve the quality of the results, in all cases we only took into account votes from users who had tried more than one brand (not necessarily per type, but overall). For the absorbency and fit votes we took into account votes from users who had tried more than 3 brands in order to arrive at a more meaningful result.
Voters could vote for any brand of their choosing in each category, though only one vote per category was allowed. Unlike previous years, the administrators of the poll did not provide voters with a list of brands to choose from.
Some interesting demographic results from our polls to give further perspective on the voter base:




Disclaimer: The information provided here does not necessarily represent the opinions of the owners of this website and the administrators of the South African Cloth Nappy Users facebook group. As far as is reasonably possible we have taken the necessary steps to ensure the results are a fair and accurate reflection of the votes.