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Favourite brands 2021 - poll results

These polls represent the aggregate votes from the South African Cloth Nappy Users group polls that ran during the month of January 2022. It's not necessarily the best brands, but the voters' favourite ones.


Your favourite will depend on what you determine as most important as well as your lifestyle, so it may differ from these results. That is why we always recommend you try a variety of brands and types.


Lots of factors determine why each individual voted for a certain brand. For this reason we refined the results a little bit more using the extra information gathered in our polls.


This allowed us to break down the results by type to indicate the following:

- the overall favourite

- favourite for the power user category (defined as users with lots of brand exposure) 

- favourite for users who regard price as the most important factor

- favourite for users who regard absorbency as the most important factor 

- favourite for users who regard fit as the most important factor


Power users are identified as users with a wide range of experience based on a number of factors gathered from the questions on the polls. 


Voters could vote for any brand of their choosing in each category, though only one vote per category was allowed. The administrators of the poll did not provide voters with a list of brands to choose from. 


Some interesting demographic results from our polls to give further perspective on the voter bas

The most important factor overall in choosing a favourite nappy is still fit, followed by price and then absorbency. For newbies (defined as those who have been using cloth for 6 months or less), price also ranks very high in importance, while for power users (defined as those who have been using cloth for 2+ years) absorbency is the second most important factor.
We can thus see a shift in priority from price to absorbency as as cloth users gain experience which can be ascribed to
a) the fact that newbies are still building a stash (which makes the cost quite important) and
b) power users are more likely to have cloth diapered older babies/toddlers who typically have increased output, therefore absorbency becomes more important.

Pockets are still the most widely used type. We did however notice an increase in exposure and usage of other types compared to 2020 - specifically in the categories fitteds, prefolds and flats as well as alternatives to PUL covers (softshell, fleece and wool). More people than ever before are now also using night nappies (80+%) and newborn cloth (67%).

Wool and AI2 remain the types that the smallest percentage of users have tried, most likely due to limited availability of brands locally within this type, though there has been a noticeable increase in exposure to wool in the last year,

In 2020 we had categories for favourite type of night nappy and newborn nappy, this year we added favourite type of daytime nappy as well.

In 2020 we introduced a new category of Favourite Reseller to give recognition to those retailers that sell a variety of brands under one roof. Because as you know, variety is the spice of life.


And in 2021 we added another new category - Favourite WAHM to celebrate our wonderful work-at-home cloth-nappy-making momWe strive to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the poll results every year.  


So without further ado, we present the favourite brands for 2021 as voted for by the South African Cloth Nappy Users:.


Our mission is to foster a love for cloth nappies and share information, provide services, easy comprehensive and simple links, so that you can not only use cloth nappies successfully, but love it too!

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