1. Congratulations!
You are about to embark on a sea voyage and you might discover some incredible new things or visit some old friends! By completing this voyage you will earn shells. Be sure to finish all the sea voyages as it's your opportunity to gather the most shells.
You found a sea creature!
Step 3
Go to the Petit Pear website here and find an under the sea theme item and take a screenshot.
Step 4
Go to the SACNU group specific topic here and post a screenshot of your item.
Terms & Conditions
This specific competition is only valid on 20 November 2023 and if all steps were completed accurately
Each completed entry will get 15 shells, the first 5 to complete the voyage will receive additional bonus shells!
Only open to residents of South Africa
SACNU or SACNU's administrators won't be held responsible for the prizes
Facebook does not carry any responsibility in this competition and can not be held liable for any problems or inconvenience
All normal SACNU rules apply