Yes, we are turning FOUR in November (!!) and we have a week of birthday celebrations lined up, which includes some awesome prizes and of course nappy parties around the country.
Find the party closest to you below:
CAPE TOWN - 25 November 2017 @ 10am. Location to be confirmed. Host: Jolene Smit. More information on the FB event.
Note you need to be part of the Cloth Nappy Moms Cape Town Facebook group to view the event.
KNYSNA - 2 December 2017 @ 12 pm. The Farm, Ou Kaapse Road. Host: Anika de Lange. More information on the FB event.
JHB/PTA - 25 November 2017. Location to be confirmed. Host: Catherine Dowie
POTCH - 2 December 2017 @ 10am. Farm on N12. Host: Gerda Kriek. More information on the FB event
DURBAN - 25 November 2017 @ 11am. Mitchel Park, 23 Nimmo Road, Berea, Durban. Host: Bianca Johnson. More information the FB event. Note you need to be part of the KZN Cloth & Carry Moms Facebook group to view the event.
PIETERMARITZBURG - 19 November 2017 @ 10am. Wylie Park. Host: Sarah Coleby. More information on the FB event
NEWCASTLE - 25 November 2017 @ 9am. Location to be confirmed. Host: Tara Wood & Lauren Chowles. More information on the FB event.
No party in your area? Why not orgnise one? Let us know if you are so we can add it to this list. Let's make the circle bigger and #makeclothmainstream with cake and good times!